Featuring Dr. Crystal Cavalier-Keck and other Indigenous women leading water advocacy efforts within their communities, while having to overcome systemic barriers. Learn about ways support these leaders and their communities in taking on water contamination, management, and climate related changes to their local water systems.
The No MVP/No MVP Southgate Water Walk was a true gathering. Skillful and welcoming Indigenous leadership brought together environmental protectors across race, tribe, gender, faith, state and national borders to oppose these pipelines.
The Regional VA Southside and NC Piedmont Team formed in the summer of 2020 with the purpose of protecting their lands and waterways from an extractive fossil fuel development project called the Mountain Valley Pipeline and Southgate Extension.
The “Bundle of Arrows” was an Indigenous-led convergence of all two-leggeds resisting the Mountain Valley Pipeline, MVP Southgate, and the proposed Lambert Compressor Station. Through powerful speeches, music and poetry, our spirits were fed and bonds were strengthened.
A short video that captures the Indigenous erasure and cultural devastation perpetuated by the MVP and MVP Southgate.
A short video appealing to Water Protectors to come and be nourished and invigorated at the "Bundle of Arrows" gathering.