In order to make a request of 7 Directions of Service – whether it’s for a speaker, presentation, land acknowledgement, project collaboration, etc. – follow these steps:
- Remember: all requests are requests for Indigenous labor. We appreciate opportunities to engage with different communities and share our work. At the same time, many of us experience constant requests for our time, our energy, for culturally extractive information, and unreciprocated labor.
- Thoroughly review the How to Come Correct Guide (developed by our friends at Sogorea Te’ Land Trust) before moving forward with your request.
- Please submit your request using our Inquiry Form at least 4 weeks in advance, and we will follow up with you via email as soon as we can.
Tips for Engaging (from the team at Sogorea Te’ Land Trust)
- Please Be Respectful. A lot of the work we do is related to healing and historic harm, presenting the history of colonization and genocide is not easy. We are not a clearinghouse of free information about these things. We are not a checkbox or a cultural display. We are not something you can extract from. Don’t consume us. Engage with us.
- Please pay Indigenous people real honorariums, especially if you are connected to corporations and institutions. And then get those Institutions and corporations to donate to 7 Directions of Service. If you don't have any funding, consider organizing a fundraising effort and coming back with your request in a couple months.
- Give us a minute to respond. We are navigating many requests and engage in specific processes for decision making.